"The difference between the right word and the almost right word
is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
—Mark Twain
Copyediting: Twenty years’ experience ensuring the internal consistencies of texts; checking for and correcting errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, format, and style.
Proofreading: Twenty-two years’ experience controlling text accuracy and quality through the many steps of the production process.
Substantive Editing: Twenty-two years’ experience objectively critiquing texts for content, accuracy, tone, organization, and presentation.
Member of the
Editors' Association of Canada

Editors’ Association of Canada, Toronto Branch (ongoing, since 2003), Seminars for Editors
George Brown College (2010),
Instructing Adults Seminar
MagNet Conference (2009), Seminars for Communicators
Ryerson Polytechnic University (1997), Copy Editing Program
Banff School of Fine Arts (1995), Book Publishing Program
University of King’s College/Dalhousie University (1991–1995), English Literature Degree, Advanced Major
T 416.737.1399 / / © 2019 by Kelly Jones